What to do for a free copy of PLAN B:

It’s easy,

  1. Download this HTA Radio Checklist and print
  2. Pick your favourite song
  3. Contact all radio stations and request it by:
    1. sending an email
    2. completing a web request
    3. sending a Facebook message
    4. send a Twitter message
  4. Tick off list, take a photo of the list and email it to [email protected]

Voila! The album will be in the post!


Hi There,

I want to request a song from a new artist that just released an album a few weeks ago:
Can you please play:
Song: Follow Your Head
Album: PLAN B
Artist: Harrison (Harrison the Artist)

Thank you!


Call: 02 9367 1000

Click here to: Web

Click here to: Message via Facebook

Click here to: Twitter My handle is: harrison_artist